Hacking Hot Potatoes: The Cookbook is dedicated to extending the capabilities of a powerful suite of Web authoring tools - Hot Potatoes, by Half-Baked Software Inc. and the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre. It is intended to help you make the best use of the Hot Potatoes suite so that you maximize the learning opportunities for your students.
The recipes you will find in this book are both simple tricks and more complex code implementations to bring more interactivity into the exercises created with Hot Potatoes as well as using Hot Potatoes in Moodle.
Grassroots language technology: Glenys Hanson, esl-exos.info Re-blogged
Wed, 03 Jun 2015 - 18:59:43 CEST ✍
Glenys Hanson, an avid HotPotatoes user and a good friend of mine, I can proudly say, has recently been interviewed on EFL Notes sharing her experiences and mentioning my HotPotatoes Tutorials and add-ons site. Here I re-blog the interview.
Grassroots language technology: Glenys Hanson, esl-exos.info"Grassroots entrepreneurship" was listed as one of four characteristics that ELTJam says(1) one can use to understand the current so called ed-tech movement and/or revolution. The others being money, disruption, polarisation/controversy. Amongst the examples they gave of such entrepreneurship initiatives was Marie Goodwin(2), a teacher who wanted a platform to help kids with reading(3). The grassroots language technology series is trying to show that many teachers are doing similar, probably much smaller and mostly non-commercial, projects. Our next person in the series is Glenys Hanson, @GlenysHanson, who I first met on an online pronunciation course. Many thanks to Glenys for sharing her experiences. 1. Can you share a bit about your background? Glenys: I’m from Wales but I’ve been living in France for nearly 50 years. I was an English as a foreign language teacher at the Centre de linguistique applique, Universite de Franche-Comte… Read the original post
Bug fixes in Audio crossword and Audio glosses add-ons
Wed, 03 Jun 2015 - 18:54:31 CEST ✍
Audio Crossword v2 and Audio glosses v2 had a minor bug which affected all source files. Code was not inserted when the Subtitle field was not used. Additionally, there was some unnnecessary code - leftovers from the development stage. The Audio Glosses with JMix dragdrop v1 add-on is unaffected as it was developed later and thus the bug was not introduced during development. All source files in both add-ons are now corrected and re-uploaded. Thanks to Glenys Hanson and Agnes Simonet for spotting this and bringing it up.
Donating my birthday!
Thu, 02 Apr 2015 - 1:13:16 CEST ✍
That's correct! I'm not chasing possessions. And instead of gifts, I've decided to donate my birthday. https://www.zidisha.org/campaign/6 ☍
A child will not go to bed hungry, a mother could buy textbooks and school uniforms for her kids, a father will be able to provide clean drinking water and food for his family.
Achieved 50% of my goal! Thanks!